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October 31, 2007

Driving in South Africa

There's an interesting article in the NY Times about obtaining a driver's license in South Africa:

Based on Britain’s national driving exam, the K53 effectively requires an applicant to imagine that he is driving a live claymore mine under assault by guerrillas in bumper cars. The hand brake must be engaged silently at all stops (ratchet-clicking is strictly forbidden), and all mirrors must be checked every seven seconds. Points are deducted for glancing at the gearshift, driving too slowly, failing to ensure that head- and taillights are securely attached, failing to check the play on the clutch pedal, failing to look beneath the car for leaks and several score other sins.

# Posted by Nicola | Comments (669)

October 17, 2007

My Paris Pics

From Flickr:
Canal in the 10th
Canal in the 10th, originally uploaded by nicola.

I finally uploaded most of my Paris pictures. You can see them here:

Paris 2007 Set

I even uploaded this (crappy) video:

La Tour Eiffel Sparkles

If you're wondering how to get all those photos you've got online, I highly recommend Flickr. Take a tour to learn about how it works or even sign up (basic membership is free). It's very easy to use, and the hardest part is just creating the account.

Update: Alex has uploaded her pics!

# Posted by Nicola | Comments (247)